DWI Lawyer Serving Clients in Grimes County
Frequently Asked Questions: Grimes County DWI
Can I be charged with DWI even if my blood alcohol concentration was below .08%?
Yes. DWI (driving while intoxicated) may be charged if you have a blood alcohol concentration of .08% or greater and/or if your normal mental and physical abilities are impaired due to alcohol or drugs.
What is the legal limit for drivers under the age of 21?
A driver under the age of 21 may not operate a vehicle if he or she has any detectable amount of alcohol in his or her blood. This is covered under Texas DUI law, which has specific penalties and rules pertaining to minors. Grimes County DWI attorney Doug Atkinson is experienced in helping clients facing underage DWI charges, as well as DUI charges.
What are some penalties associated with a DWI conviction?
A Grimes County DWI conviction may result in the following penalties (specific penalties will vary, depending on whether this is your first, second, third or fourth DWI conviction):
- Incarceration in county jail or state prison
- Fines
- License suspension
- Community service
- Probation
- Rehabilitation
What is a felony DWI?
Certain DWI-related offenses are more serious and will result in felony DWI charges. These include DWI with injury, third offense DWI, fourth offense DWI and DWI manslaughter.
Do I have to submit to blood or breath testing?
According to Texas Implied Consent law, if you refuse a breath or blood test after you are arrested for DWI your driver’s license may be automatically suspended, for 180 days for a first offense. By driving in Texas, you are automatically considered to have given consent to chemical testing if you are arrested on reasonable suspicion of drunk driving.
How can an attorney help me?
You will need a legal professional on your side at every step of the criminal court process, and also at your ALR hearing. No one else in the courtroom will be there to assert your rights and protect your freedom, save your defense lawyer. With the right representation by an aggressive and experienced attorney, you can avoid a conviction and the heavy penalties associated with DWI.
Contact Grimes County DWI attorney Douglas W. Atkinson today!

Our Settlements & Verdicts
Not Guilty DWI
Not Guilty Assault
Not Guilty DWI
Dismissed and Expunged DWI
Dismissed DWI
Not Guilty DWI
Dismissed DWI
Dismissed DWI
Dismissed DWI
Dismissed Drug Possession
Not Guilty DWI
Not Guilty DWI