Expunction of Drug Charges
Liberty County Drug Crimes Lawyer
Possessing a criminal record of any type can be very detrimental to various facets of your life. It can be even more so when that record involves a drug arrest, a drug conviction, or drug charges. Fortunately, there are options for someone who is intent on doing away with a prior criminal record, including expunction. In our state, criminal record expunction or a similar action that seals your prior record can be quite advantageous to your life in the long-term. The benefits of expunction or record sealing include no longer being required to list a prior conviction on job applications or worrying about your current employer finding out about your record, or being required to disclose your record when applying for a home or vehicle loan.
If you have previously been arrested, charged, or convicted of a drug crime and are seeking an expunction of the record, contact a Liberty County drug crimes lawyer who can provide you with legal guidance throughout the petition process.
With their experienced and knowledgeable help, your chances of securing an expunction will be greatly increased.
Legal Assistance in Your Expunction Case
Attorney Doug Atkinson is dedicated to protecting and defending the rights of those who have been charged with a crime in Liberty County. In his years of practicing law, he has represented individuals in drug crime cases of all types, including those that involved a client seeking a criminal record expunction. He is available to petition for an expunction on your behalf, and will provide you with representation throughout the process that may lead to a successful resolution in your case.
Contact a Liberty County drug crimes attorney if you possess a prior drug arrest or conviction on your record and are seeking the erasure of that record through the process of expunction.

Our Settlements & Verdicts
Not Guilty DWI
Not Guilty Assault
Not Guilty DWI
Dismissed and Expunged DWI
Dismissed DWI
Not Guilty DWI
Dismissed DWI
Dismissed DWI
Dismissed DWI
Dismissed Drug Possession
Not Guilty DWI
Not Guilty DWI