Unlawful Police Stops
Liberty County DWI Lawyer
A police officer must have more than a suspicion or hunch that a driver is driving while intoxicated in order to require him or her to pull over. A valid probable cause must exist in order for the police stop to be lawful. This means actual, observable phenomena must have occurred to indicate signs of drunk driving. If you have been charged with DWI, a competent Liberty County DWI attorney should review this aspect of your case to see whether an injustice occurred. Make sure you tell your story to your lawyer in detail so that any relevant factors will be made known early in your defense.
Typically, the kinds of events that can entail probable cause include such things as swerving, disobeying a traffic sign, driving too slowly or speeding. Depending on the specifics, however, these may not constitute reason enough to stop you. Swerving within your lane may be due to other factors, in which case an assumption of drunk driving may not be valid.
Defending Your Rights
Attorney Atkinson has much experience in defending DWI cases, having achieved success for hundreds of clients during his many years in practice. He will review the above points and to check for any indications of an unlawful police stop. If an officer's behavior toward you after you are pulled over is unnecessarily aggressive or forceful, or includes comments or actions which are not required of the situation, this should also be made known to your lawyer. Such details can have a bearing on the investigation and presentation of your case and throw doubt on the officer's motives in stopping you. If any such factors exist, these can have a significant bearing on the outcome of your case.
Contact a Liberty County DWI lawyer for help defending your rights in a DWI case, including the issue of whether or not the police stop at the time of your arrest was lawful.

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Dismissed DWI
Dismissed Drug Possession
Not Guilty DWI
Not Guilty DWI