DWI Defense Attorney Representing Walker County
Facing DWI in Walker County, Texas?
A defense may be built based upon any given point of a Walker County DWI charge:
- The initial police stop
- The administration of field sobriety tests
- The blood test or breath test
- The arrest
An experienced DWI defense lawyer will be able to review your particular case and determine how to best defend your rights, even in the face of serious felony DWI charges or multiple DWI offenses. Walker County DWI lawyer Douglas W. Atkinson offers an initial consultation to review your case, free of charge. Practicing law since 1998 and limiting his practice exclusively to criminal defense, attorney Atkinson provides a level of legal counsel which is gives his clients the best opportunity to achieve a positive outcome for their unique cases.
Defenses for DWI Charges in New Waverly, Riverside, Dodge and Huntsville, Texas
Law enforcement must follow certain procedure in pulling a driver over for suspected DWI, making an arrest and performing breath or blood tests. Wavering from this procedure at any given point or violating the driver’s constitutional rights can result in the suppression of key evidence and can possibly lead to an acquittal or dropped charges altogether.
Your DWI defense attorney may consider the following: Did the officer actually have probable cause to pull you over? Were you read your Miranda rights? Was the blood or breath test administered properly? Did you have a physical condition which then led to a failed field sobriety test? Were you informed of the consequences of refusing a breath test or blood test? Were you properly arrested? Were you actually driving the vehicle?
When he meets with you to discuss your Walker County drunk driving charges, your DWI lawyer will consider all aspects of your case and charges in order to determine how he can help. If he works with you on your case, he will provide the one-on-one legal guidance which will allow him to build a tailor-made plan of defense to help you avoid a conviction.
Contact a DWI Attorney to see how he can provide you with effective DWI defense if you were arrested in Walker County!

Our Settlements & Verdicts
Not Guilty DWI
Not Guilty Assault
Not Guilty DWI
Dismissed and Expunged DWI
Dismissed DWI
Not Guilty DWI
Dismissed DWI
Dismissed DWI
Dismissed DWI
Dismissed Drug Possession
Not Guilty DWI
Not Guilty DWI